On that day, we were at opposite ends of the training
spectrum. Dan: pulling into the slip having just completed his goal race, the
culmination of 12 hard months. Me: leaving port and hunkering down for the long
voyage to the Boston Marathon start line.
Dan and I text and e-mail one another on a weekly (sometimes
daily) basis. So, the conversation flowed just as you would think it might when
two people who share the same passion for running get together in person.
We traded stories about mileage, workouts, numbers, paces,
heel drops, elevation…we spoke to one another in an altogether different
language but one in which we both spoke fluently.
For that car ride, I let myself drift to Dan’s position and
embrace that moment when all the hard work had been done, the race had been
run, and while you wanted to celebrate, you couldn’t help think: what’s next?
Now, 12 months later, I find myself in an almost “groundhog-day-like”
position, though the landscape has shifted some. Dan and I (plus a handful of
brothers in arms) will trade Houston for Phoenix. This time, he’ll swap 26.2
for the 13.1, and I’ll take aim at a PR. Once it’s over, our small fraternity
will reconvene over beers and rehash it all in our adopted second language.
And the conversation will eventually turn toward “what’s
next.” For Dan, I can’t say – perhaps moor his boat for a few weeks (or days) to
let that satisfying ache of accomplishment linger until its inevitable
transformation into, “how do I do it faster next time?” For me, I’ll
(hopefully) savor that shiny PR, record the day’s miles in my log, then batten
down the hatches to keep sailing toward that famous start line in a small
Boston suburb.
Won’t you come along for the ride?